Memories ♥️


Paisley is the mother of Blaze and Annabelle. She was rescued in the Fall of 2018 and currently lives with her forever family and her son, Blaze!


Bear was one of our first rescues. We picked him up along with his sister, Joan in fall of 2018 and took them to a foster-home. They were living in a house with more than 20 animals.


Malcom was born in foster care and was the first of his litter to be adopted at 9 weeks old! He was born in October 2018 and adopted in January 2019. He was named after Mac Miller and got to keep that name, as his dad is a big fan.

Ahmed (Blue)

Ahmed was born into foster care and was the smallest kitten of the litter. We thought Rose was done with labor after four kittens and then this little guy showed up and surprised us all! He was adopted by a loving single parent and later re-named from Blue to Ahmed!


Sha was found walking outside in the rain during the summer of 2019. She walked right up to a volunteer's car and hopped right in! They went home and she was adopted faster than anyone we had ever adopted out before! She was named in memory of her foster-dad's high school friend, Sha.


Korra (sister of Katara, Kyoshi, and Azula) came from a litter of 4 whose mom was hit by a car in August of 2019. She and her sisters were taken into foster care at around 7 weeks old and eventually adopted separately.

Jay Sai

Jay Sai was a sibling of Cleo and Penelope and was adopted in the Summer of 2019. He has a pet dog and he loves to eat!


Bandito was found with his siblings, Apollo and Dolly, and his mother, Venice. He had an infection in both eyes and had to have one surgically removed. After his surgery, he spent some time in foster care with One of A Kind and was adopted!


Allen was born in foster care in October 2018 and was the last to be adopted, along with his sister, Miley. We thought Allen was a girl until the day before he went home. Luckily, his family wasn't picky about his gender!


Joan was rescued from a house full of cats and kittens along with Bear in the Fall of 2018. She was put into foster care and later adopted into her forever family!


Stassi was surrendered by her owner in December of 2019. She had anxiety and protective issues and required extensive training to get her civil around strangers. Luckily, she found the most dedicated foster mom who later adopted her! They are each others' soulmates!

Estus (Katara)

Estus, (sister of Kyoshi, Azula, and Korra) came to us with fur so matted that we didn't know she was a long hair cat! We cleaned her up, fed her well, and eventually she was adopted and re-named from Katara to Estus!


Lola was found walking down the road in Orrville, Ohio on a cold October night in 2020. After 1,089 days in foster care, she was adopted on October 13, 2023!

Turbo (Jade)

Turbo was found stuck inside the engine of an SUV! A wonderful salesman and a car porter helped to get her out and they called The Bean to get her help. Shortly after, her sister Pinto was found searching for her nearby! Jade went through lots of treatments and was adopted by one of her rescuers and re-named from Jade to Turbo!


Cameron was found wandering 7 miles from his original home. He had a lot of superficial injuries from being outside and he was very hungry. After his original owners decided not to pick him up, he spent almost 200 days in foster care until finally being discovered through a video on Instagram and adopted in November of 2021!


Venice was a rescue who we found trapped in a closet in an abandoned home in 2018 with her three kittens, Apollo, Dolly, and Bandito. Bandito had to have an eye removed due to an infection. Luckily, they found the best foster possible and got to stay with Mama and her kitten, then the kittens and Venice were adopted together in 2019.


Dolly is the sister of Apollo and Bandito, and the daughter of Venice. She is pictured with Birdie, another kitten who was being fostered alongside her for One of A Kind Pets in Akron.

Blaze, Annabelle

Blaze and Annabelle were rescued shortly before Paisley was found. At 2 weeks old, Blaze fell down an open vent on the second story of the house he was living in. He was rescued and put into foster care with his sister and mother.


Miley was born into foster care in 2018 and was the largest kitten of her litter. She was adopted into the same family as Allen!


Cleo came from an 'oops' litter and was the first of her siblings to be adopted! This photo is her first time ever meeting her new mom!


Gina was rescued from an abandoned home in July of 2019. She had 4 newborn kittens who did not survive the conditions. She was taken into foster care for 994 days until she was finally adopted by a loving family with a younger male cat on April 19, 2023!


Kyoshi was the largest of her litter and was very attached to her sister, Azula. They got to stay together when they were adopted togther in October 2019, and to this day they have never spent more than a few hours apart!


Cinnamon was found on a hot day in June of 2020. She was hungry and dehydrated. She was taken in by a volunteer foster family, rehabilitated, and adopted by one of our volunteer's friends!
Go Cinnamon!


Sammy was found walking around lost in Downtown Akron Ohio in November 2021 and was brought to us on December 3rd, 2022. After 665 days in foster care, he was adopted on September 29, 2023 by a loving family with two other cats!


Mama was a special mother-cat who was rescued from a house with more than 20 cats and kittens in Fall of 2018. She is suspected to be the mother of Venice, and we could tell she had had many litters of kittens in her lifetime. Because of this, we called her 'Mama'. Mama found with her only kitten, Jane.


Jane was Mama's only surviving kitten at the time of her rescue in 2018. She got to be fostered with her sister, neices and nephews and had the most loving foster mom who has ever volunteered for us!


Rose was rescued in the Fall of 2018. She was underweight and pregnant. She was put into foster care and in October she gave birth to five healthy kittens! Allen, Miley, Gus, Malcom, and Blue. She was adopted by her foster mom and all the kittens found homes by January 2019!


Gus was born into foster care in October 2018 and adopted the next year. He was the most outgoing of the litter and was named after the late Lil Peep.


Peach was surrendered by her owner in the Summer of 2019. After being adopted, Peach had a litter of kittens she got to keep with her before being spayed!
Congratulations, Peach!


Penelope is the sister of Cleo and Jay Sai and was in foster care for a few weeks before finding her forever family then moving out of state. Her family loves her so much!


Azula was the smallest of her litter and still needed to be bottle-fed at the beginning. She was adopted with her sister, Kyoshi in 2019 and has become a chunky, happy girl!

Lucas (Sky)

Lucas was found outside in the Fall of 2020. He was brought to The Humane Bean and entered into foster care. He was adopted soon after and had his name changed from Skylar to Lucas! He was adopted along with his sister, who he was in foster care with, Pinto. They are the best of friends.


Pinto was found bravely searching for her sister, Turbo(Jade), who was trapped inside a car engine. She had to go through a lot of treatments for a respiratory infection in foster care, where she met her to-be brother, Lucas(Sky)! They were adopted together in January of 2020.



Apollo, brother of Dolly and Bandito, was found in 2018 with his mother and siblings. They were all fostered and adopted together!